- Why not two numeric triggers and call the zigbee cycle in the actions?
- [5:10 PM]
Are alternatively, perhaps two binary template sensors for the below and above values and use that as triggers. state on for x minutes/seconds
If deltaT > X ; TURN ON
Else if deltaT < Y ; SHUT OFF
Elsif ; SHUT OFF
Thinking of Scenes:
If automatic **OR** manually triggered ON, should always SHUT on deltaT < Y
More specifically I want a time based requirement
Mirror > Air for 120seconds = ON
Mirror < Air for 120seconds = OFF
In reality I have a solidly computed value of 'deltaT' which should be used
deltaT > 1.5 for 120seconds = ON
deltaT < -0.5 for 120seconds = OFF
Startin here - Home Assistant Templates - A Beginner's Guide
If deltatemp > 1.5 for 120
Via discord group
From <https://discord.com/channels/330944238910963714/672223497736421388>
I pointed you to a numeric_state trigger and you've used a state trigger, rarely a good choice for a value crossing a threshold
Message #templates
Garage door was open and the air outside was cooler than the garage. I then closed the garage door and the air temp 'bounced' back up bringing the deltaT closer w/o need for cooling.