Saturday, January 11, 2014

Jupiter ANIMATION Io and Ganymede

This night was a lucky night.  I had not looked at the weather forecast enough to know  it would be good or not.  Cold temps aside, I decided day of to setup and go out with the 14" f/4.5 scope ( +Akule ).  As an added bonus +Mitchell Duke tipped me off to a transit of the Jovian moon, Ganymede.  Looking closer at the ephemeris Io was slipping into Jupiter's own shadow and disappearing behind the disk of Jupiter just a couple of minutes before the Ganymede transit.  That stability of the atmosphere, seeing, was also favorable.

Additional details I provided to a reddit post regarding my blog entry:

I shoot the planets with my 14" f/4.5 (native focal length is 1600mm). I add a 5x barlow which gets me close to 9200mm (isn't not preciesly 5x but varies) Then I add a monochrome Flea3 camera from PointGrey Research. To get color I shoot with filters to give me Red, Green and Blue images. Each color image consists of capturing many frames of each color as fast as I can. I shoot the red at 120 frames per second (FPS), then the same for the green and bit slower for the blue as it's not as sensitive. So for example the red is running at 120fps for 30seconds. That nets me ~3,600 images (stored in .avi video format), again for green and then blue. Wait on second and start another sequence of R, G and B, 30s, 30s, and 30s. So each color image is 90 total seconds of capturing. I capture back to back and if you can believe it, the moon Io (right one) moves so fast in 90seconds I had to adjust the color channels in the final image. I capture many RGB runs back to back for a couple of reasons. Firstly, I use a very sophisticated program called WINJupos to derotate (a method of combining individual images that have rotated to a different central meridian or longitude) all of them. This increases the signal-to-noise present in each of the single RGB runs. I also capture many RGB runs in order to make a cool animation of the moons moving and planet rotating.

Raw frames as promised: Nearly the worst of a single sequence of red filtered images

Best of 3600 frames in Red:

Normally I stack the best 75% of the 3,600 frames in AutoStakkert which uses a process called 'lucky imaging'
After stacking I sharpen using some deconvolution tricks in AstraImage. I also combine the filtered monochrome frames to a composite RGB.
Then derotation win WINJupos.
Then photoshop magic like denoise, color, high pass filters, rgb channel alignments.
I have yet to look at the features on Ganymede to see if they're accurate or if I just messed up in my processing treatment.

Video assembly was done with stills hand processed in Photoshop per the above prescription and then some Photoshop actions for the mundane processing (I highly recommend PS actions!)  Then the stills are copied and renumbered to move forwards then backwards with a simple python script.  Then, again in python, I used 10 differing frame rates to render 10 separate videos.  FPS values are [3,6,9,12,15,18,21,24,27,30].  These 10 rendered videos are then renumbered to start slow and then move faster each time, building to a maximum then slowing back down.  I rendered each of those videos 2x times in openshot where I also added the title screens and music that I stumbled upon via  It was literally the 2nd song I clicked on in the classical/ambient section and I think matches the video quite well.

Thanks to all who shared their joy with me in this post!

Monday, January 6, 2014

Jupiter on 20140104 in good seeing with Io and Ganymede

I will be spending some time with this as I've not gotten good images in quite some time.  This may just be one of the best shots I've ever taken.

My fatal flaw in the past half dozen times out may have been lack of over-cooling and setting up too near to the warm house in the cold winter.  I also had been setting up near my family van, which while cool and not having run for several hours, may have been retaining heat differently than the ground.
So I moved as far away from the house and neighbors house as possible and I think that helped some.  I also started cooling the spit out of the mirror, aggressively.  Even when cooled for hours in the winter the heat in the pyrex mirror comes back.  I think there's a small heat engine inside that beast!  I think managing the local thermal conditions at night is a bit of a razors edge and the slightest little change means quite a bit!

I don't often get clear skies for a transit of Ganymede and wanted to make the best of it.  So I shortened my capture duration and ran 30 of them back to back with the camera settings embedded in the image Red for 30s, Green for 30s, Blue for 30s, pause a second and repeat.  I'm amazed at how much Io moves in 90seconds.  The planet's features don't change much in 90s for my resolution, but the inner moon, Io moves FAST!

I have a work in progress animation that will probably get uploaded to YouTube and become an adjunct post to this later on.

Thursday, January 2, 2014

2013 Solar System bests in review

What a great 2013!

Starting in the lower left, you find Earth.  A planet we all call home.  In the right conditions of day and night, often called dusk, if you look up you can experience the surrealism of our place in this universe.  On the cold and breezy night of March 13th, my dad and I took a quick trip to Lake Wheeler to find Comet C/2011 L4 (PANSTARRS).  It was quite a site above the moon don't you agree +David Phillips 

The rest of the full sized, original albums are here:

Target highlights include:
All 8 major planets (including scenic Earth)
1 dwarf / former planet = PLUTO on 3 nights (see animation below)
3x Asteroids
4x Comets
10x moons (including our own, Luna)
2x artificial satellites
1 meteor
1 Sun (First full disk)
Plenty of stars and other faint fuzzies from my CCD upgrade (

Other Highlights:
Pluto animation of movement on 3 nights

Asteroid 1998 QE2 animation

This year I upgraded to a CCD from DSLR and have branched out fairly seriously into DSO imaging.  As a result I also figured out how to use a minor planet / comet detection software package, Astrometrica.  This should get me closer to the goal of discovering a new comet or asteroid.
At the least I should have plenty more asteroids next year, but this was the year of the comet with record 4 that I imaged in a single year.

This year is the sixth in a row (  Thanks to all who made 2013 a great year.  Tip of the hat to +Mike Salway for the great idea and inspiration.

Here's to the best for everyone in 2014! 

Monday, November 18, 2013

Medium resolution Uranus and 5 major moons

I've never photographed the innermost and illusive moon, Miranda.  I think it was nearly washed out in overexposed glow of Uranus at 5sec and full gain.  With delicate sharpening and fine processing of levels A 'spike' off the disk appears in the right spot enough for me to consider it photographed for now.

Here's an animation of the overlaid simulation from WinJUPOS:

I attempted some Infra-Red shots as well but the seeing did NOT cooperate to give any details of banding or polar cap.

Thanks for reading!


Thursday, October 10, 2013

Simulation of Jupiter's October 12, 2013 TRIPLE TRANSIT

Using screen captures on Grischa Hahn's WinJUPOS ( I put together this animation.  Starting at 20131012 0315UTC and ending 0815UTC this animation steps through in increments of 15minutes.

During the "Triple Transit" we will see three shadows on Jupiter's disk at the same time.  The shadows of Io, Europa and Callisto will all fall on the visible side of Jupiter at the same time.  After the shadows of Io and Europa move off the edge a true double transit will take place.

These events are rare so go out and enjoy this one, I have never seen a triple transit since I started to observer Jupiter back in 2007.

All times are in UTC and you will need to convert to your local timezone.  I hope these screenshots and animations help your planning efforts and clear skies to you.

Sunday, September 22, 2013

Around Abell 262, a galaxy cluster in Andromeda

Abell 262 is a cluster of galaxies that are part of the Pisces-Perseus supercluster and approximately 205-250 million light years distant.  I cannot find good information on how many member galaxies are included in this cluster.  I set out to work on some deep sky object imaging fundamentals.  I started imaging the bubble nebula (seen here)  Then I moved to another part of the sky and I'm not sure why I did it but found all these tiny galaxies using my star charts.  In awe I took a photo and found as many galaxies as stars.  Flashforward weeks later and I finally get around to learning more about this fascinating part of the sky.  I imaged a part of the sky near, but not including Abell 262.  Here is the full view of a mosaic of two separate areas.  All told I estimate that there should be near 76 or so galaxies in this one mosaic image of 2 sub images.  Some  have distance/redshift measurements some do not!  Read on for some mind blowing facts!

And the glorious 15 MegaPixel view (Scrolling required)

Here is a labeled view, where each red area/dot is a galaxy!


Now let's take a look at some close ups of interest. 

In this subarea, there is approximately 30 galaxies.  Use this mouse over for details.

Along the top of the full image is my favorite is this area, which includes the most distant object I've observed to date.

This one struck me with the different sizes, shapes and types of galaxies all in one area.  This field covers 10 galaxies in an area of about 13.5 arc minutes wide.  Of all of these galaxies I think I love the barred spiral on the right and the tiny spiral above the A in Abell on the bottom title bar.

Here is the mouseover to help find them.

Or visit my web pages for other awesome astrophotos:

If you want to know more about my telescope visit it's page +Akule 

Now for some mind blowing details....

This happenstance image with some fact finding of my own includes the furthest object I've yet observed.  Let's see how I came to this conclusion.

My references to imaged fields are plate solved and overlaid in Cartes Du Ciel via the solved fits wcs header info.  Then using the CdC PGC catalogs I can reference the v (velocity - information, typically expressed in km/s and measured via 'Compilation of cz (radial velocity) measurements' (

Convert velocity measurements into redshift (z - speed of light in vacuum):

Convert z to distance in light years:

For example our 'fastest receeding' or furtherst galaxy, PGC197602, is measured at 35444 +/- 36 (

35444 km/s = 0.1182 (z)
0.1182 = 1,628,000,000 LY or 1.628 BILLION Light Years away from Earth.

You could compare this to the age of the Universe's expansion, 13.8 Billion years ( and claim it to be 11.79% of the most distant objects yet known.  Think about that.  From the comfort of my home I can use tools to witness the photons leaving millions of distant suns at a time 1,628,000,000 years ago!  Well, plus or minus 1,654,000 years that is!

Concidentially nearby to this galaxy is, PGC: 3626780, which has no measured magnitude or redshift values. Not that I'm going to purchase a spectrometer but if anyone has one that they think would help measure these objects I'll willingly give it a try.

Explore the rest of the imaged galaxies here...

WDS 01h54m23.83s +36°26'28.5" D* WDS ALI 29 m1:12.27 m2:12.40 sep: 12.1 pa:117 date:1932.00 sp: 1 desc:
WDS 01h54m37.79s +36°37'16.0" D* WDS COU 857 m1:12.20 m2:13.40 sep: 2.8 pa: 27 date:1972.00 sp: 1 desc:
PGC 01h53m57.96s +36°24'47.3" Gx PGC197604 m:16.67 PGC:197604 Dim: 0.5 x 0.2 ' pa:126 rv: 5006
PGC 01h55m49.14s +36°28'37.3" Gx MCG+06-05-046 m:16.13 PGC:7120 Dim: 0.5 x 0.5 ' pa: 89 rv: 0
PGC 01h54m43.38s +36°51'26.4" Gx PGC100155 m:17.71 PGC:100155 Dim: 0.5 x 0.2 ' pa: 89 rv: 14766
PGC 01h54m42.22s +36°24'58.4" Gx PGC2079136 m:16.97 PGC:2079136 Dim: 0.5 x 0.2 ' pa: 90 rv: 0
PGC 01h53m41.20s +36°50'05.4" Gx PGC212856 m:17.13 PGC:212856 Dim: 0.5 x 0.2 ' pa:144 rv: 0
PGC 01h54m03.34s +36°24'04.2" Gx PGC006997 m:15.80 PGC:6997 Dim: 0.6 x 0.3 ' pa:126 rv: 4973
PGC 01h55m47.44s +36°56'10.3" Gx MCG+06-05-047 m:15.29 PGC:7122 Dim: 0.6 x 0.5 ' pa: 70 rv: 4938
PGC 01h55m53.47s +36°18'16.3" Gx PGC212865 m:15.99 PGC:212865 Dim: 0.6 x 0.4 ' pa: 72 rv: 3775
PGC 01h54m39.32s +36°37'52.4" Gx MCG+06-05-039 m:15.58 PGC:7031 Dim: 0.6 x 0.4 ' pa:147 rv: 4676
PGC 01h54m30.05s +36°22'50.4" Gx PGC007018 m:17.16 PGC:7018 Dim: 0.3 x 0.3 ' pa: 90 rv: 4709
PGC 01h53m38.29s +36°57'55.5" Gx PGC100149 m:18.05 PGC:100149 Dim: 0.3 x 0.1 ' pa: 60 rv: 26824
PGC 01h54m17.54s +36°54'56.4" Gx PGC212855 m:18.03 PGC:212855 Dim: 0.3 x 0.2 ' pa: 49 rv: 0
PGC 01h55m43.23s +36°23'21.4" Gx PGC197607 m:17.81 PGC:197607 Dim: 0.3 x 0.2 ' pa:178 rv: 27303
PGC 01h55m00.45s +36°34'44.6" Gx PGC2081954 m:17.35 PGC:2081954 Dim: 0.3 x 0.3 ' pa: 90 rv: 4822
PGC 01h55m46.65s +36°48'19.3" Gx PGC197608 m:16.88 PGC:197608 Dim: 0.4 x 0.3 ' pa: 73 rv: 0
PGC 01h55m47.16s +36°49'45.3" Gx PGC2086489 m:17.41 PGC:2086489 Dim: 0.4 x 0.2 ' pa:120 rv: 0
PGC 01h53m53.47s +36°39'27.3" Gx PGC2083300 m:17.45 PGC:2083300 Dim: 0.4 x 0.2 ' pa: 46 rv: 25172
PGC 01h55m59.51s +36°38'58.2" Gx PGC197610 m:16.89 PGC:197610 Dim: 0.4 x 0.2 ' pa:102 rv: 0
PGC 01h55m42.71s +36°59'04.9" Gx UGC01385 m:14.00 PGC:7111 Dim: 0.6 x 0.6 ' pa: 90 rv: 5593
PGC 01h53m34.56s +36°41'08.0" Gx UGC01347 m:13.51 PGC:6961 Dim: 1.0 x 0.9 ' pa: 90 rv: 5542
PGC 01h53m46.05s +36°34'48.4" Gx UGC01350 m:14.24 PGC:6977 Dim: 1.1 x 0.3 ' pa: 48 rv: 4998
PGC 01h56m18.20s +36°37'43.1" Gx UGC01392 m:15.77 PGC:7173 Dim: 0.8 x 0.4 ' pa:145 rv: 5248
PGC 01h54m11.68s +37°01'20.3" Gx UGC01353 m:14.55 PGC:7006 Dim: 0.9 x 0.6 ' pa:104 rv: 5286
PGC 01h53m57.13s +36°53'13.3" Gx NGC0712 m:14.19 PGC:6988 Dim: 1.1 x 0.7 ' pa: 83 rv: 5339
PGC 01h55m08.54s +36°41'48.2" Gx UGC01366 m:14.66 PGC:7066 Dim: 1.5 x 0.4 ' pa:139 rv: 5115
PGC 01h53m23.27s +36°34'05.4" Gx UGC01344 m:13.57 PGC:6948 Dim: 1.6 x 0.9 ' pa: 45 rv: 4401
PGC 01h54m43.71s +36°17'47.2" Gx NGC0717 m:14.86 PGC:7033 Dim: 1.3 x 0.2 ' pa:115 rv: 5098
PGC 01h54m18.26s +36°17'18.1" Gx NGC0714 m:14.10 PGC:7009 Dim: 1.5 x 0.4 ' pa:111 rv: 4432
PGC 01h53m35.28s +36°55'13.9" Gx PGC212857 m: PGC:212857 Dim: 0.7 x 0.1 ' pa: 90 rv: 0
PGC 01h53m39.14s +36°17'26.4" Gx NGC0709 m:15.24 PGC:6969 Dim: 0.7 x 0.4 ' pa:128 rv: 3576
PGC 01h54m38.80s +36°51'16.4" Gx MCG+06-05-038 m:15.24 PGC:7028 Dim: 0.6 x 0.6 ' pa:180 rv: 4685
PGC 01h54m45.67s +36°42'29.5" Gx PGC007035 m:15.48 PGC:7035 Dim: 0.7 x 0.4 ' pa: 40 rv: 5678
PGC 01h55m50.71s +36°59'12.3" Gx MCG+06-05-048 m:15.50 PGC:7123 Dim: 0.7 x 0.5 ' pa: 66 rv: 5619
PGC 01h55m59.46s +36°19'39.2" Gx UGC01387 m:15.73 PGC:7140 Dim: 0.8 x 0.4 ' pa:169 rv: 4535
PGC 01h56m09.89s +36°22'25.2" Gx UGC01390 m:15.63 PGC:7159 Dim: 0.8 x 0.3 ' pa: 44 rv: 4368
PGC 01h54m42.09s +36°39'07.1" Gx UGC01361 m:15.85 PGC:7030 Dim: 0.7 x 0.3 ' pa:132 rv: 5743
PGC 01h54m38.75s +36°25'02.4" Gx MCG+06-05-040 m:15.21 PGC:7029 Dim: 0.8 x 0.7 ' pa: 90 rv: 4151
PGC 01h54m15.12s +36°31'59.3" Gx 3627024 m: PGC:3627024 Dim: 0.0 x 0.0 ' pa: 90 rv: 0
PGC 01h54m29.71s +36°39'36.4" Gx 3627092 m: PGC:3627092 Dim: 0.0 x 0.0 ' pa: 90 rv: 0
PGC 01h53m38.06s +36°18'53.5" Gx 3626838 m: PGC:3626838 Dim: 0.0 x 0.0 ' pa: 90 rv: 4947
PGC 01h53m58.22s +36°41'13.3" Gx 3626947 m: PGC:3626947 Dim: 0.0 x 0.0 ' pa: 90 rv: 35085
PGC 01h54m44.17s +36°35'35.3" Gx 3627171 m: PGC:3627171 Dim: 0.0 x 0.0 ' pa: 90 rv: 0
PGC 01h55m06.79s +36°44'13.5" Gx 3627289 m: PGC:3627289 Dim: 0.0 x 0.0 ' pa: 70 rv: 0
PGC 01h55m16.40s +36°50'58.4" Gx 3627344 m: PGC:3627344 Dim: 0.0 x 0.0 ' pa: 90 rv: 0
PGC 01h54m57.74s +36°53'25.5" Gx 3627246 m: PGC:3627246 Dim: 0.0 x 0.0 ' pa: 90 rv: 0
PGC 01h55m06.19s +36°38'18.5" Gx 3627282 m: PGC:3627282 Dim: 0.0 x 0.0 ' pa: 90 rv: 35361
PGC 01h53m31.65s +36°43'09.2" Gx 3626805 m: PGC:3626805 Dim: 0.0 x 0.0 ' pa:100 rv: 25106
SAC 01h54m42.60s +36°18'01.4" Gx NGC 717 m:13.90 Name:UGC 1363 sbr:12.50 Dim: 1.3 x 0.2 ' pa:117 class:Sa1 IIIcal desc:vF;pS;*15 sf 1'; Const:AND
SAC 01h55m42.81s +36°59'00.8" Gx UGC 1385 m:13.40 Name:Mrk 2 sbr:12.30 Dim: 0.8 x 0.7 ' pa:170 class:SBacIIIcal desc:;brightest of 3 Const:AND
SAC 01h53m54.69s +36°53'01.8" Gx NGC 712 m:12.80 Name:UGC 1352 sbr:12.90 Dim: 1.3 x 1.0 ' pa: 85 class:SO1 IIIcal desc:vF;R;am pB stars; Const:AND
SAC 01h54m18.57s +36°17'01.6" Gx NGC 714 m:13.10 Name:UGC 1358 sbr:12.30 Dim: 1.5 x 0.4 ' pa:112 class:Sa1 IIIcal desc:F;vS;R;2*13 p & np; Const:AND
NGC 01h54m48.60s +36°17'01.3" Gx NGC 717 m:14.00 sbr:13.74 Dim: 1.0 x 1.0 ' desc:vF, pS, *15 sf 1' Const:And
PGC 01h53m27.24s +36°43'42.3" Gx 3626780 m: PGC:3626780 Dim: 0.0 x 0.0 ' pa:160 rv: 0
PGC 01h53m29.95s +36°49'54.2" Gx 3626794 m: PGC:3626794 Dim: 0.0 x 0.0 ' pa: 90 rv: 0
NGC 01h54m00.70s +36°52'01.8" Gx NGC 712 m:14.00 sbr:13.74 Dim: 1.0 x 1.0 ' desc:vF, R, am pB st Const:And
PGC 01h55m40.19s +36°31'47.4" Gx PGC197606 m: PGC:197606 Dim: 0.0 x 0.0 ' pa:105 rv: 35284
PGC 01h55m21.29s +36°47'41.3" Gx 3627368 m: PGC:3627368 Dim: 0.0 x 0.0 ' pa:135 rv: 0
PGC 01h56m24.70s +36°19'00.2" Gx PGC2077430 m:18.08 PGC:2077430 Dim: 0.2 x 0.2 ' pa:104 rv: 0
PGC 01h56m03.48s +36°42'45.2" Gx PGC2084342 m:17.98 PGC:2084342 Dim: 0.2 x 0.2 ' pa: 60 rv: 0
PGC 01h53m25.57s +36°43'22.3" Gx PGC197602 m:17.79 PGC:197602 Dim: 0.2 x 0.2 ' pa: 90 rv: 35444
PGC 01h55m06.68s +36°35'39.5" Gx PGC2082210 m:18.53 PGC:2082210 Dim: 0.2 x 0.2 ' pa:160 rv: 29405
PGC 01h56m03.80s +36°59'07.2" Gx PGC2089315 m:18.19 PGC:2089315 Dim: 0.3 x 0.2 ' pa:141 rv: 0
PGC 01h54m59.94s +36°26'30.6" Gx PGC2079554 m:17.66 PGC:2079554 Dim: 0.3 x 0.2 ' pa: 42 rv: 0
PGC 01h54m10.33s +36°25'38.3" Gx PGC197605 m:17.48 PGC:197605 Dim: 0.3 x 0.2 ' pa:105 rv: 4246
PGC 01h53m36.41s +36°23'38.5" Gx PGC2078742 m:18.29 PGC:2078742 Dim: 0.3 x 0.2 ' pa: 91 rv: 5003
PGC 01h53m58.99s +36°58'25.3" Gx PGC100152 m:17.60 PGC:100152 Dim: 0.3 x 0.2 ' pa:123 rv: 26695
PGC 01h56m13.04s +36°27'22.2" Gx PGC2079800 m:18.40 PGC:2079800 Dim: 0.2 x 0.2 ' pa: 90 rv: 0
PGC 01h55m44.49s +36°27'58.3" Gx 3627480 m: PGC:3627480 Dim: 0.0 x 0.0 ' pa: 90 rv: 0
PGC 01h56m04.84s +36°23'36.2" Gx 3627571 m: PGC:3627571 Dim: 0.0 x 0.0 ' pa: 10 rv: 0
PGC 01h55m28.16s +36°34'18.4" Gx 3627397 m: PGC:3627397 Dim: 0.0 x 0.0 ' pa: 30 rv: 0
PGC 01h55m28.50s +36°38'13.4" Gx 3627401 m: PGC:3627401 Dim: 0.0 x 0.0 ' pa: 90 rv: 0
PGC 01h56m17.40s +36°59'27.1" Gx 3627643 m: PGC:3627643 Dim: 0.0 x 0.0 ' pa:110 rv: 0
PGC 01h54m09.61s +36°19'18.5" Gx 4020025 m: PGC:4020025 Dim: 0.0 x 0.0 ' pa: 90 rv: 0
PGC 01h53m47.30s +36°29'46.8" Gx PGC100151 m: PGC:100151 Dim: 0.2 x 0.1 ' pa: 90 rv: 4953
PGC 01h56m28.75s +36°38'23.1" Gx 3627682 m: PGC:3627682 Dim: 0.0 x 0.0 ' pa: 90 rv: 0
PGC 01h53m42.39s +36°35'31.7" Gx 4020022 m: PGC:4020022 Dim: 0.0 x 0.0 ' pa: 90 rv: 0

Other reference images of mine:

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