Sunday, July 31, 2022

Adding custom telescope temp sensors to HomeAssistant



On recommendation from another coworker I added HomeAssistant to the mix of Pi's that automate my house.  It's an awesome tool and as a security professional I highly recommend it over cloud based alternatives but that's another blog entry!


This is episode 5 of our multi-part series on how I built a fully automated temperature control system for my telescope mirror.  In the previous installment - - we saw that the data was being recorded in Influx and read into Grafana for 'pretty pictures and graphs'


Now we are going to create a second client to read the data out of Influx, HomeAssistant


The idea of using HomeAssistant (HASS) is that we can take logical action such as:


If deltaT > X ; TURN ON

Else if deltaT < Y ; SHUT OFF

Elsif ; SHUT OFF


Actual automation in HASS will be the next blog, but for now, let's show how to get our values into HASS!



pi@astrocart:~ $ cat /Docker/homeassistant/sensor.yaml

- platform: influxdb

  host: localhost

  username: maphilli14

  password: MYSECRET


    - name: DeltaTemp

      measurement: '"°F"'

      value_template: '{{ value | round(1) }}'

      where: '"time" > now() - 1m'

      measurement: 'DeltaTemp'

      database: astrocarttemp

    - name: AstroCartTemp

      measurement: '"°F"'

      value_template: '{{ value | round(1) }}'

      where: '"time" > now() - 1m'

      measurement: 'AirTemp'

      database: astrocarttemp

    - name: MirrorTemp

      measurement: '"°F"'

      value_template: '{{ value | round(1) }}'

      where: '"time" > now() - 1m'

      measurement: 'MirrorTemp'

      database: astrocarttemp

    - name: OpenWeather Temp

      measurement: '"°F"'

      value_template: '{{ value | round(1) }}'

      where: '"time" > now() - 1m'

      measurement: 'OpenWeatherTemp'

      database: astrocarttemp

pi@astrocart:~ $


It's actually that simple!


This as well as some simple hacks to grafana make for some very pretty dashboards such as my current one!


Here's me scrolling around -


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