Monday, June 15, 2020

Cygnus - Sadr Region

I have had this camera for over 5 years and have yet to really discover it's full potential. I have been focusing more on how to squeeze the most out of it. I decied to lower the ISO from 1600 to 400, add some solid guiding via the C8 and QHY guidecam as well as ad bias calibration. I'm quite pleased with how the end result came out! It is minimally processed after all new darks, flats and new bias frames added to the stacking in DSS.

Included in this region are the following:


SAC        20h18m50.13s        +40°47'40.1"        OC        Cr 419        m: 5.40        sbr:        Dim: 4.5 x 4.5 '        pa: 90        class:IV 2 p        desc:13''-pB;pL;nRi;sC; 16* mags 11..13 at 100X;Compact but not rich;N of Struve 2666;14 * to 13 mag        Const:CYG                

SAC        20h24m39.81s        +38°35'48.5"        OC        M 29        m: 6.60        Name:NGC 6913        sbr:11.00        Dim: 7.0 x 7.0 '        pa: 90        class:III 3 p n        desc:Cl;P;lC;st L&S;About 20 stars mags 8...        Const:CYG        

SAC        20h17m16.00s        +37°41'38.4"        OC        IC 4996        m: 7.30        Name:Cr 418        sbr:        Dim: 6.0 x 6.0 '        pa: 90        class:I 3 p n        desc:Cl;st 8...13;        Const:CYG        

SAC        20h23m56.37s        +40°50'47.2"        OC        NGC 6910        m: 7.40        Name:OCL 181        sbr:        Dim: 8.0 x 8.0 '        pa: 90        class:I 2 p n        desc:Cl;pB;pS;P;pC;*20.12;H VIII 56;In Gamma Cyg nebula and Cyg OB9        Const:CYG        

SAC        20h04m34.97s        +44°13'19.2"        OC        NGC 6866        m: 7.60        Name:OCL 183        sbr:        Dim: 7.0 x 7.0 '        pa: 90        class:II 2 m        desc:Cl;L;vRi;cC;H VII 59;50* mags 10...        Const:CYG        

SAC        20h21m09.54s        +38°45'43.7"        OC        Berk 86        m: 7.90        sbr:        Dim: 8.0 x 8.0 '        pa: 90        class:I 3 p n        desc:13''-pF;pS;nRi;nC 19* mags 10..13 at 135X;        Const:CYG                

SAC        20h12m04.83s        +35°54'31.3"        OC        NGC 6883        m: 8.00        Name:OCL 148        sbr:        Dim: 15.0 x 15.0 '        pa: 90        class:I 3 p n        desc:Cl;pRi;** inv; r Gamma CYG        Const:CYG        

SAC        20h12m51.36s        +38°24'32.0"        Nb        NGC 6888        m:10.00        Name:LBN 203        sbr:        Dim: 20.0 x 10.0 '        pa: 90        class:E        desc:F;vL;vmE;** att;H IV 72;Crescent Neb;Wolf-Rayet * invl        Const:CYG        

SAC        20h24m01.79s        +41°45'47.2"        OC        Cr 421        m:10.10        sbr:        Dim: 6.0 x 6.0 '        pa: 90        class:III 1 p n        desc:13''-pF;pS;nRi;lC; 22* at 135X;        Const:CYG                

SAC        20h25m32.86s        +40°13'49.5"        Drk        LDN 889        m:11.00        sbr:79.90        Dim: 90.0 x 20.0 '        pa: 90        class:4 Ir        desc:;Wide lane in IC 1318 following Gamma Cyg        Const:CYG                

SAC        20h27m24.59s        +43°48'51.5"        Drk        B 346        m:11.00        Name:LDN 906        sbr:79.90        Dim: 10.0 x 4.0 '        pa: 90        class:6 K        desc:;In patchy area 2.8 deg preced and 1.5 deg south of Deneb        Const:CYG        

SAC        20h14m14.21s        +40°19'33.7"        Drk        B 343        m:11.00        Name:LDN 880        sbr:79.90        Dim: 10.0 x 5.0 '        pa: 90        class:5 Ir G        desc:;1.7 deg preceeding Gamma Cyg        Const:CYG        

SAC        20h29m09.20s        +39°58'54.5"        Drk        B 347        m:11.00        Name:LDN 889        sbr:79.90        Dim: 10.0 x 1.0 '        pa: 90        class:5 Ir        desc:;Narrow streak 1.2 deg foll and 20' south of Gamma Cyg        Const:CYG        

SAC        20h11m01.42s        +41°16'28.9"        C+N        IC 1311        m:13.10        Name:OCL 173        sbr:        Dim: 5.0 x 5.0 '        pa: 90        class:II 3 r n        desc:30 pF * in eF neby;small cluster;Neb Descr=60'x20' emission neb in sev parts near Gamma CYG        Const:CYG        

SAC        20h26m45.02s        +40°03'51.2"        Nb        IC 1318        m:14.90        Name:Sh2-108        sbr:        Dim: 45.0 x 20.0 '        pa: 90        class:E        desc:Gamma Cygni Neb;L patches of F nebulosity;Portions of neby surround Gamma Cyg;elong generally E-W        Const:CYG        

Full steps:

Guided in QHY at f/10 on 8" SCT on CGE mount with PHD2

Imaged piggy back on 200mm f/4 Canon lens.

Camera is stock Canon 60Da with LP filter.

Shot 26 x 5min subs with EOS Utility

Stacked and calibrated in DeepSkyStacker (DSS)

Processed in Photoshop:

Levels and Curves

Topaz Noise reduction

Saturation adjustment

Slight sharpening with Google NIX

Assembled menu'ing and text overlays in GIMP

Thursday, February 13, 2020

Europa puts a beauty mark on the Great Red Spot

Europa puts a beauty mark on the Great Red Spot

I was cruising facebook some weeks back and found one of those “On this Day” which had me wondering what happened.

So I went and checked my annual gallery for 2013-2014 and found it wasn’t finished and posted!😨

So, without ado, here’s my 6 year old post made of 3x derotated images with a composite single image of the shadow and moon.


WinJupos reference

Tuesday, February 4, 2020

Astrometrica tips for solving 1

I setup and tear down each session (because Trees! 🌲🌳) and as such I don't always get a good pointing model.  Normally I find my target galaxies etc and move about my night. Plate solving is good enough except when it comes to astrometry for MPC hunting.  I found some tricks to help myself out that I thought I'd share my new approach!

    1. Use plate solve - the one that works with SGP to find J2000 center of plate
    2. Pay attention to the 'Angle'
    3. Inside the Astrometrica settings you might need to 180 the angle to 92 in my case
    4. Now, once that's done, manually input the J2000 from PlateSolve into the beginning step of your finding routine in Astrometrica
    5. If it still fails after 2-3 attempts, do a manual find:
      1. Lower the magnitude and search for bright stars
      2. Line it up, moving and rotating
      3. Then turn the magnitude back up and pay attention to the parameters you input in case it still fails you have a better starting point next manual run or use those to refine your settings

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