Wednesday, March 6, 2013

C/2011 L4 (PANSTARRS) ephemeris for March, 2013

A nice chart for my home in central North Carolina for 6:30 local time

Home Longitude=78°West Latitude=+35°North Time zone=EST/EDT

23h30m UT RA DE Magn. Elong. Phase Rise Culmination Set Astronomical Nautical Nautical Astronomical
2013-03-04 23h56m26.3s -18°26'10" 1 +17°56' +63°20' 8h14m 13h19m 18h28m -35° -29° -10° -15°
2013-03-05 0h02m52.3s -15°58'06" 0.9 +17°10' +63°00' 8h09m 13h22m 18h38m -35° -29° -08° -14°
2013-03-06 0h08m43.6s -13°25'21" 0.7 +16°29' +62°27' 8h04m 13h24m 18h48m -34° -28° -06° -12°
2013-03-07 0h13m58.0s -10°49'00" 0.6 +15°56' +61°43' 7h57m 13h25m 18h57m -33° -27° -04° -10°
2013-03-08 0h18m34.3s -08°10'22" 0.5 +15°30' +60°52' 7h50m 13h26m 18h53m -32° -26° -03° -09°
2013-03-09 0h22m32.0s -05°30'54" 0.5 +15°15' +59°58' 7h43m 13h26m 19h02m -31° -25° -01° -07°
2013-03-10 0h25m51.9s -02°52'04" 0.5 +15°09' +59°05' 8h35m 14h26m 20h10m -30° -24° +00° Az264° -06°
2013-03-11 0h28m36.0s -00°15'19" 0.6 +15°13' +58°15' 8h26m 14h25m 20h17m -28° -22° +01° Az266° -05°
2013-03-12 0h30m47.4s +02°18'08" 0.7 +15°27' +57°32' 8h18m 14h23m 20h23m -26° -20° +02° Az269° -04°
2013-03-13 0h32m29.7s +04°47'18" 0.9 +15°51' +56°55' 8h08m 14h21m 20h28m -24° -19° +03° Az271° -03°
2013-03-14 0h33m46.8s +07°11'32" 1.1 +16°22' +56°25' 7h59m 14h18m 20h33m -23° -17° +04° Az273° -02°
2013-03-15 0h34m42.8s +09°30'26" 1.2 +17°00' +56°00' 7h49m 14h15m 20h38m -21° -15° +04° Az276° -01°
2013-03-16 0h35m21.3s +11°43'53" 1.5 +17°44' +55°39' 7h39m 14h12m 20h42m -19° -13° +05° Az278° -01°
2013-03-17 0h35m45.4s +13°51'54" 1.7 +18°32' +55°21' 7h29m 14h09m 20h45m -17° -12° +05° Az281° -00°
2013-03-18 0h35m58.1s +15°54'39" 1.9 +19°24' +55°04' 7h19m 14h05m 20h48m -15° -10° +06° Az283° +00° Az288°
2013-03-19 0h36m01.6s +17°52'23" 2.1 +20°19' +54°48' 7h09m 14h01m 20h51m -13° -08° +06° Az285° +01° Az290°
2013-03-20 0h35m57.7s +19°45'22" 2.3 +21°15' +54°32' 6h59m 13h57m 20h53m -11° -06° +05° Az288° +00° Az293°
2013-03-21 0h35m48.2s +21°33'56" 2.6 +22°14' +54°16' 6h49m 13h53m 20h55m -09° -04° +06° Az291° +00° Az295°
2013-03-22 0h35m34.2s +23°18'22" 2.8 +23°13' +53°59' 6h38m 13h49m 20h58m -07° -02° +06° Az293° +01° Az297°
2013-03-23 0h35m16.6s +24°58'58" 3 +24°13' +53°42' 6h28m 13h45m 21h00m -06° -01° +06° Az295° +01° Az299°
2013-03-24 0h34m56.4s +26°36'01" 3.2 +25°13' +53°24' 6h18m 13h41m 21h02m -04° +01° Az58° +06° Az297° +01° Az301°
2013-03-25 0h34m34.1s +28°09'47" 3.4 +26°13' +53°05' 6h07m 13h36m 21h03m -03° +02° Az57° +06° Az299° +01° Az303°
2013-03-26 0h34m10.3s +29°40'31" 3.5 +27°13' +52°46' 5h57m 13h32m 21h05m -01° +03° Az56° +06° Az301° +01° Az305°
2013-03-27 0h33m45.3s +31°08'27" 3.7 +28°13' +52°27' 5h46m 13h28m 21h07m +00° Az51° +05° Az56° +06° Az303° +01° Az307°
2013-03-28 0h33m19.5s +32°33'47" 3.9 +29°13' +52°07' 5h35m 13h23m 21h09m +01° Az51° +06° Az55° +06° Az305° +01° Az309°
2013-03-29 0h32m53.1s +33°56'42" 4.1 +30°13' +51°47' 5h25m 13h19m 21h11m +03° Az50° +08° Az54° +06° Az306° +01° Az311°
2013-03-30 0h32m26.2s +35°17'25" 4.2 +31°12' +51°26' 5h14m 13h15m 21h14m +04° Az49° +09° Az53° +06° Az308° +02° Az312°

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

NGC 7810 & Crew with Asteroid ...

Back on 2012/11/10:

I was really just looking to test out the camera and off-axis guider.  The skies were clear, but I needed to dodge the trees and found this on the fly.  Turns out there was an asteroid that +Mike Rector helped me find as 771/Libera.

I put the image down for a while as I didn't get the time for fundamentals like calibration files and a good processing routine down.

Turns out there are more hidden gems in this image.

According to WikiSky and some of the UCAC3 catalogs in SkyCharts/CdC, some of the dimmer but still recognizable stars are mag 17.5 or dimmer or beyond.  I count at least 10 by quick count and according the CdC there are the following in this FOV:

Here's the full resoluion version to look at -

This is the CdC chart with NGC and PGC catalogs

Click for larger version

or link to Interactive WikiSky chart:

Here's a full list of what may be visible in this photo:
Catalog RA DEC Type Name Magn.
PGC 00h02m11.03s +13°10'21.4" Gx 97 m: PGC:97
PGC 00h02m54.28s +13°01'13.6" Gx 215029 m: PGC:215029
PGC 00h01m55.54s +13°14'13.6" Gx 78 m: PGC:78
SAC 00h02m59.47s +13°02'30.6" Gx NGC 7810 m:13.00
SAC 00h01m59.46s +13°11'30.6" Gx NGC 7803 m:13.10
00h03m38.38s +13°14'06.2" As (771) Libera m: 13.5
NGC 00h03m05.48s +13°01'30.5" Gx NGC7810 m:14.00 sbr:13.74
NGC 00h02m05.46s +13°10'30.6" Gx NGC7803 m:14.00 sbr:13.74
PGC 00h02m01.41s +13°11'11.2" Gx NGC7803 m:14.08 PGC:101
PGC 00h03m00.65s +13°02'48.2" Gx NGC7810 m:14.28 PGC:163
PGC 00h02m07.35s +13°11'17.8" Gx 108 m:15.30 PGC:108
PGC 00h01m54.86s +13°13'09.2" Gx 89 m:15.90 PGC:89
PGC 00h02m26.69s +13°10'31.3" Gx 134 m:16.08 PGC:134
PGC 00h01m56.48s +13°11'17.1" Gx 92 m:16.78 PGC:92
PGC 00h02m33.83s +13°19'15.6" Gx 1426263 m:16.86 PGC:1426263
PGC 00h02m45.45s +12°57'59.2" Gx 73211 m:17.30 PGC:73211
PGC 00h03m06.31s +13°18'51.2" Gx 1426100 m:17.66 PGC:1426100
PGC 00h02m59.39s +13°09'29.7" Gx 1422500 m:17.76 PGC:1422500
PGC 00h01m19.61s +13°22'49.7" Gx 1427699 m:17.77 PGC:1427699
PGC 00h03m33.75s +13°10'16.1" Gx 1422807 m:17.84 PGC:1422807
PGC 00h01m50.32s +13°15'38.9" Gx 1424891 m:17.90 PGC:1424891
PGC 00h02m57.77s +12°59'35.1" Gx 215030 m:17.90 PGC:215030
PGC 00h01m32.42s +13°16'57.4" Gx 1425381 m:18.04 PGC:1425381
PGC 00h03m08.86s +13°13'17.6" Gx 1423969 m:18.18 PGC:1423969
PGC 00h01m49.45s +12°54'34.2" Gx 1417100 m:18.40 PGC:1417100

What's truly amazing is HOW many fine details are hidden in a 'quick' 30 minute exposure of a simple, boring area of the sky.

Trying to dig deeper on some galactic stats I found this site:

Here the larger and brighter (closer?) galaxy, NGC7803 is estimated at 250 MILLION light-years distant.  Some of the other's I cannot find stats for.  Does this mean they are not measured???

Thanks for reading to the bottom, bonus candy for you!


Saturday, February 16, 2013

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Finally a respectable M81/M82

I had to try my budding DSLR skills again.  I had to, the moon was new, the weather is cold with low humidity and the seeing poor (aka no planets).

I fought the typical equipment issues and unforeseen weather, the weather didn't kill me too bad, just a bit.  Clouds came out of no where for 30min then went away.

I learned some things, such as how to tie a knot in your power connectors:

The UPS didn't protect the USB connectors from loosing sync, so I had to realign and then later I unplugged the focuser as the focus was soft, and ooops, that was the mount again not the focuser, so I gave up.

Sigh.  I'm learning that ISO1600 is less noisy but good signal over the 6400 I was using before.  Mixing ISO's isn't very good, I won't do that again.

Guiding could be better, but I was good for subs up to 5min.

I know I can do even better now that I have some good experience under my belt.  I also have the AC-adapter for the camera now too, so I can go hog-wild!!

Full res is here:

Previous work with the 6" and NO experience here:
I think I may have to sell the 6"!!!

Thanks for looking and reading!

Saturday, January 19, 2013

Strange S-shape feature on Jupiter 20130119

Around the L2=70 area in the SSTeb (Lower Right). Also there is GRS Jr near the 3 white ovals. I caught a rare winter steady skies. To me the key has been low surface winds and minimal temperature drops. Despite a mild jet stream these 3x(20s@RGB) sequence came out well!

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

High Resolution Asteroids Ceres and Vesta

My collimation is quite out due to some slag in the optical train that I think I have since fixed.  I was hoping to replicate and beat the previous work I've done on Ceres (

Believe it or not, Ceres is not much smaller in angular size than the Jovian Moons and is shown in my recent 2012 feeble attempts to not have a stellar airy disk.  Vesta shows a bit more oblong / elongation and I'm not 100% convinced it is real as my collimation was out by too much for my taste.  I hope to try again in 2013 with better conditions!

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