Saturday, January 14, 2023


 As a longtime Sikuli user I was struggling but reluctant to move.  I dabbled in pywinauto and struggled but really didn't want a "macro" solution but I recently discovered AutoHotKey and am a convert!  Here's a few hrs work to automate AS3!



 #Requires AutoHotkey v2.0
;This Script will open a set of FireCaputre recordings in AutoStakkert3 and stack with defaults
;20220114 - ver 1.0
;FireCaputre folder
FCSaves := "E:\E-Delete\Mars2022--Expiring-20241212\Mars_2022_11_24"
    Run "C:\Users\Mike Phillips\OneDrive\D-Permanent\Software\AutoStakkert\AutoStakkert.exe"
    MsgBox "File does not exist."
sleep 5000
; Consider set focus and or wait for app
; Sends file / open
MenuSelect "AutoStakkert",, "File", "Open AVI/SER"
sleep 100
Send "^a"
sleep 100
Send FCSaves
sleep 100
Send "!o"
;This section gets window postion to click into middle of diaglog box
WinGetPos &X, &Y, &W, &H, "Open your file"
;MsgBox "Open your file is at " X "," Y " and its size is " W "x" H
nX := Integer((X+(W/2))/2)
ny := Integer((Y+(H/2))/2)
;MsgBox "X+(W/2) = " nX " Y+(H/2) = " nY
sleep 100
MouseClick "left", nX, nY
sleep 100
MouseClick "left", nX, nY
sleep 100
Send "^a"
sleep 100
Send "^a"
sleep 100
Send "!o"
; This section sets Mike's favorite Mars stacking parameters
WinActivate "ahk_class TFormImage"
sleep 2000
SetControlDelay -1
ControlClick "TRadioButton3","ahk_class TFormImage"
sleep 100
ControlClick "TButton3","ahk_class TFormImage"
sleep 100
WinActivate "ahk_class TFormMain"
ControlClick "TRadioButton4","ahk_class TFormMain"
sleep 100
ControlClick "TButton5","ahk_class TFormMain"


Sunday, November 27, 2022

Mars with Phobos and Deimos!


 I'm very surprised how much dynamic range the new FLIR camera has!  This shot was easy, framing and centering the references was the only hard work.

Enjoy and thanks for looking!

Tuesday, November 8, 2022

Phillips' family November 2022 Lunar Eclipse

 I swear everyone woke up on their own, dad didn't wake anyone!

Little 2x boys and I got to see some of the early part on our street and the rest via a quick trip to the community pool.

Full res here -


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