Saturday, November 1, 2014

October saw some great clear skies -- Part 1

This month was full of many clear days.  I took advantage

First up is NGC 100, which according to has "a mere apparent size of 6.2 by 0.6 arcmins." It is also described as "exceptionally elongated galaxy, with a very small nucleus in comparison to its overall size. Such galaxies are sometimes called "superthin" galaxies." Nearby is PGC 1509358 a 17.9th mag galaxy.

Also in the lower left is UGC00219 a bright 15.5mag at a distance of 240,700,000 LY

Come poke around the full 1:1 resolution here

Next up is NGC 7814, another edge on galaxy. The one sports a nice dust lane and in contrast to the above galaxy, NGC100, this galaxy, NGC 7814 is a spiral. It "is sometimes referred to as "the little sombrero", a miniature version of Messier 104." ( Edge on galaxies are very fun and the reddish orange core might be slightly exaggerated in this photo unintentially as I had a color balance issue.

Here's a link to the full 1:1 resolution

In the high res photo, the most astounding thing I've found to date is SDSSJ000302.45 or PGC3377433 in another catalog. At mag 20+ this tiny galaxy has a measured recessional velocity of 115421 km/s in converted distance it's 5.3 BLY away!!! WHAT?!!

Between the galaxy NGC7814 and the three bright starts to its right is the faint galaxy in question. Here's a closer look.



Blink Animation

Finally up a a face on galaxy and part of the Messier catalog, M74.  It's two main spiral arms make it a Grand design spiral galaxy ( ).

Full res here!!!

My full album of all galaxy photos -

All deep sky photos are here -

All photos are taken with my custom 14" f/4.5 Newtonian ()

Tuesday, October 7, 2014

A refreshed Little Dumbbell - M76

I had previously shot this target on the same telescope ( +Akule  ) last year but used a DSLR.

Here's my more recent effort with a CCD.
Astrobin has the full 1:1 resolution

The full 1:1, HD (1920x1080) resolution for your desktop wallpaper 

Now for the somewhat unfair side by side CCD vs DSLR
The DSLR, a Canon 7D is on the left from last year.  The new SBIG STF-8300M is on the right.
What is really unfair is that the integration times are MUCH different.
Still to me, there is a HUGE difference and I wouldn't want to use a DSLR as my main camera for this type of work.

The most fun was that I was inside playing games while the image was taken using Sequence Generator Pro and monitored via teamviewer.  The clouds started to pass but the guiding held up so I kept going!

Monday, September 29, 2014

Uranus and 5 moon animation

Taken over the span of 36 minutes on September 28th, 2014.  I was able to image; Titania (mag. 13.9), dimmest Miranda (mag. 16.5), Ariel (mag. 14.4 ~Pluto's brightness), Umbriel (mag. 15.0) and Oberon (mag. 14.1).

First here is the untouched animation showing Uranus at the same exposure of 1sec.

Next I added the color and properly exposed Uranian disk.  I shot at a nominal focal length using the 2.5x powermate and the soon to be older Flea3 camera.  Next time I'd love to get the QHY and 5x Powernate!

Also relevant, my 4 year old sounded out Uranus to...


I love it!

Also the fact i can image down to 16th magnitude at this focal length has me wondering about splitting Pluto and Charon!

Monday, September 22, 2014

And then there was ONE

I'm rolling through the Messier Catalog.  It's 8 or so years in the works but I now have images of 109 of the 110 objects!  Only one left is, M79 in Lepus the constellation just south of Orion.  I will hopefully image it before the end of the year.

Total list and progress is on my home page -

On a single clear night, mind you there haven't been many, I shot 3 more.

Here's M72, which I thought I had shot previously, but mis labled it so I had to shoot it for real this time!

Next up is either an asterism or open cluster, it's listed as both in different places, but M73 is the simple group of 4 stars in the upper right.

 M30 came out very nicely after a few battles with software and alignment issues in the previous two shots.  Here is the full field.  But click here on Astrobin for the full res

Here is the full res cropped at HD res.

While I waited for my targets to clear the trees I found a small group of galaxies, NGC 6702 & 6703.  Amongst them are many other galaxies, mag 15-16+  I found no measure of distance or radial velocity, which I initially found intriguing but am no annoyed I don't know how far away they are!

Here's a overlay with labels.

For more trippy 'vastness of the universe reads' link to an old post about Abell 262 here

Sunday, August 17, 2014

A few more for the Messier colletion

I struggle with trees in my yard that obscure a large portion of my night sky. I setup my 14" telescope in one of the only areas that get to -30° dec or better and waited for my targets to clear the treetops. In most cases the target barely cleared and there are dark artifacts where the trees obscured rich star fields near the center of our Milky Way galaxy.

I really wanted to get all the Messier objects from my own house and in this particular spot I cannot see the North Celestial Pole (NCP), which meant I had poor alignment and instead of fixing I limped along in a rush to catch my window. That meant that most of these are unguided shots.

M70 is at a distance of about 29,300 light years away from Earth and close to the Galactic Center. It is roughly the same size and luminosity as its neighbour in space, M69.

Solved -

A photo I've already done, but I have to shoot when the skies are clear. Here's open cluster, M23.

Solved -

Next up is a tiny open cluster, Cl Berkeley 90, C 2033+466, Ocl 196 (ref - ( didn't have labels for this, but I had identifed it via Cartes du Ceil's default catalogs and did find the above link and do see something faint.  This was more of a finding a guide star test.

Next up is another guiding test/time killer.  This didn't come out nicely at all, but here's NGC 6445, the Little Gem - or is it the Box Nebula? (

The last cluster I have shot before.  M54 is unique in the Messier catalog in that it was "Previously thought to belong to our Galaxy at a distance from Earth of about 50,000 light-years, it was discovered in 1994 that M54 most likely belongs to the Sagittarius Dwarf Elliptical Galaxy (SagDEG),[7] making it the first globular cluster formerly thought to be part of our galaxy reassigned to extragalactic status, even if not recognized as such for nearly two and a quarter centuries." (ref -

Solved -

Finally as a special treat for you sticking with all these poor quality images, I present a rushed M17, 
The Omega Nebula, also known as the Swan Nebula, Checkmark Nebula, Lobster Nebula, and the Horseshoe Nebula is an H II region in the constellation Sagittarius. It was discovered by Philippe Loys de Chéseaux in 1745. Wikipedia. (ref -
Here's my previous attempt in my 6"

And Via my 14", +Akule

Here's a recent shot of my scope and if you want to learn more ask +Akule

Lastly you can see all my Messier objects I've shot to day here -
I have only 5 left to go!

Friday, August 15, 2014

Friday, August 1, 2014

In case you didn't catch the live show, this week we kicked off a new style Amateur Astronomer hangout called "Nights at the Round Table" hosted by +John Kramer

Check out the replay for some introductions to the panelists, how we got started in imaging and a nice overview of our scopes, equipment and techniques.

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