Saturday, February 16, 2013

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Finally a respectable M81/M82

I had to try my budding DSLR skills again.  I had to, the moon was new, the weather is cold with low humidity and the seeing poor (aka no planets).

I fought the typical equipment issues and unforeseen weather, the weather didn't kill me too bad, just a bit.  Clouds came out of no where for 30min then went away.

I learned some things, such as how to tie a knot in your power connectors:

The UPS didn't protect the USB connectors from loosing sync, so I had to realign and then later I unplugged the focuser as the focus was soft, and ooops, that was the mount again not the focuser, so I gave up.

Sigh.  I'm learning that ISO1600 is less noisy but good signal over the 6400 I was using before.  Mixing ISO's isn't very good, I won't do that again.

Guiding could be better, but I was good for subs up to 5min.

I know I can do even better now that I have some good experience under my belt.  I also have the AC-adapter for the camera now too, so I can go hog-wild!!

Full res is here:

Previous work with the 6" and NO experience here:
I think I may have to sell the 6"!!!

Thanks for looking and reading!

Saturday, January 19, 2013

Strange S-shape feature on Jupiter 20130119

Around the L2=70 area in the SSTeb (Lower Right). Also there is GRS Jr near the 3 white ovals. I caught a rare winter steady skies. To me the key has been low surface winds and minimal temperature drops. Despite a mild jet stream these 3x(20s@RGB) sequence came out well!

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

High Resolution Asteroids Ceres and Vesta

My collimation is quite out due to some slag in the optical train that I think I have since fixed.  I was hoping to replicate and beat the previous work I've done on Ceres (

Believe it or not, Ceres is not much smaller in angular size than the Jovian Moons and is shown in my recent 2012 feeble attempts to not have a stellar airy disk.  Vesta shows a bit more oblong / elongation and I'm not 100% convinced it is real as my collimation was out by too much for my taste.  I hope to try again in 2013 with better conditions!

Saturday, December 29, 2012

2012 Solar System Mashup - Venus' year!

What a Joyful 2012 and best wishes for an awesome 2013!

Click image for large view, 

Click image a labeled version of the same resolution as above img click

This is my fifth consecutive year and all previous are here:

This was Venus’ year beyond a doubt.  There was a transit that I was able to view and share with the world on our marathon +Virtual Star Party .  For me it was extra sweet as I added some seasoning to the Year of Venus with a wide field nestled in M45 Pleiades and a false color shot in InfraRed and UltraViolet.  For these yearly reviews that I’ve been doing since 2008 (Inspired by +Mike Salway ) I have always tried to pick the best single photo of a subject and represent it as a sort of mock up solar system family photo.  I felt like having three shots of Venus broke this standard I hold myself to.  I decided that the transit alone wasn’t enough to break this.  What forced my hand is that Venus is “the Roman goddess whose functions encompassed love, beauty, sex, fertility, prosperity and victory.” (

What  made this fact important to me?  Well if you know me, my fourth child was born mere weeks after the transit.  Somehow it seemed fitting that my personal live overflowed into the grandness of this event.  Somehow these events blended a busy and energetic year for me and it stuck, a trifecta of Venus to sweeten 2012’s photo!

Other amazing things that rounded out my personal year were being featured in Google’s Virtual Star Party featurette as well as having the illustrious, Chris Go visit my house with many other local amateur Astronomers for a warm get together, the day after Google visited!

For the rest of the year’s fun, I found a love of the small things in the solar system this year.  I captured a record number of non-planets too.  Two comets, and four asteroids and two dwarf planets.  I had the pleasure of photographing Eros near it’s closest approach during a Google+ hangout with Dr. Pamela Gay ( +Pamela Gay ) !  Later it turns out that there was another asteroid lurking in the same field!  Yes a two for one with Eros and Tyche at the same time!

While I missed Mercury this year, I got Pluto which has been missing for me since 2009.

I had lofty goals of shooting Eris, the Pluto killer, but perhaps this is a 2013 goal now.

Noteworthy is that this composite photo consists of 17 separate observing sessions.  New objects not photographed for me before were, both Phobos and Diemos on the Mars opposition, as well as Eros, Tyche, Libera (a unplanned surprise near some galaxy clusters), both comets, and the grand Venus transit, which I missed with my 1st child in 2004!!!

Here’s the full list of images, some of which I will need to individually post in the coming months of 2013:

Sun and Venus:
20120605 (Transit - Virtual Star Party - )

Venus in False Color:

20120813 (Morning)

Earth, Venus near M45:

20120402 (Evening)

20120831 (Full)

Mars, Phobos and Diemos

Comet Garradd (c/2009 P1)

Comet Hergenrother (168P)

Eros and Tyche:
Pamela didn’t get the Virtual Star Party Uploaded to YouTube :~(

20121011 (Accident when photographing NGC7803)

Ceres, Vesta and star compare:


20121025 and animation!




Uranus and Neptune:
20120909 (Virtual Star Party - )

Pluto in M25:
20120716 (Virtual Star Party - )

Sunday, December 16, 2012


One of my tops of this season.
Sadly the collimation was off, I think there's some slack in the optical train after the filter wheel that I hope to fix with some new adapters.  The seeing wasn't perfect, perhaps only average.  My cooling power supply has died and not been replace.  Some of these will get fixed and the results should be BETTER!

Rest of the season is here:

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