This animation was taken from processing 235 AVI video files. Each file was cropped at 1008x950 and ranged in size from 2.02 to 2.38GB in size. After stacking in AutoStakkert3 the files were sharpened in AstraImage and RGB combined via automation with Python and AutoHotKey resulting in 75 images that were then converted with ImageMagik into an animation. The total time imaging was 117minutes and I would have had the rest of Io's transit if not for misjudging the scope placement into the path of a gorgeous Oak tree in my front yard.
Akule Planetary Equipment H/W
* Type: Custom Home Built Newtonian (
* Aperture: 35.6cm (14")
* Focal Ratio: f/4.5 + 5x TeleVue Powermate at 0.078"/px | 9,109mm EFL
* Primary Mirror: Carl Zambuto 14" f/4.5
* Camera: FLIR Blackfly BFS-U3-32S4M-C (monochrome, USB3.0)
* Color Filter Wheel: Starlight Xpress 7 Position 1.25" Carousel for Starlight Xpress USB Filter Wheel
* Filters: Baader Planetarium LRGB Telescope Filter Set
* Filters: Astronomik ProPlanet 742 IR-pass filter
* Filters: Astrodon-Schuler UV filter
**Akule Planetary Processing S/W**
* OS: Lenovo P1 Gen 2 (Microsoft Windows 11 64-bit)
* Acquisition: Torsten Edelmann’s Firecapture
* Processing: AutoStakkert 3 -> AstraImage -> WinJUPOS -> PhotoShop -> Topaz DeNoise -> Google Nik -> Gimp -
Detailed processing -
Artist of the track: Guillaume Robbe
Title of the track: fly
Direct URL of the track:
Link to the license terms:
Terms of the license: cc-sa cc-by