Sunday, February 14, 2021

Cutting room floor - Horsehead and Flame Nebulae edition

 As part of my organizational methods, I have a folder called 'Unfinished'  The following experiment was put into that folder some years ago.  In 2017 I shot Orion's belt area using my C8i mount which is a single armed fork.  I got a custom plating method that allows me to pull off the C8i f/10 SCT and put on my 200mm Canon DSLR.  I used Magic Lantern to shoot some 1min subs, unguided and hit the trees not long after.  I wasn't happy with the original shot as it was at ISO6400 and not enough subs.  So I cut it only to find it 4 years later and realize it's not the worst!  I hope you enjoy!

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