Tuesday, July 16, 2013

M20 Trifid Nebula in LRGB, climbing the learning curve ladder

I had a nice night last night and after some learning curves on the new equipment I did a trial of some LRGB imaging on M20.  It's too short of a total integration time but it was late and the last thing I did so I was rushed.  I didn't find a guide star so amazingly I used 30sec for Lum and 60sec for the color RGB.  I am pretty happy with the result!  Not bad for only 11minutes total!  I can guide now but didn't set it up for this blind shot.  Flats and Darks are next to add, for now I'm grabbing clear skies as they come!

Previous attempt a LIFETIME ago!

Acquired in Main Sequence Pro Software
Stacked in Deep Sky Stacker
Assembled and Processed in Photoshop

I also got a needed Messier object, M6 for the collection: http://maphilli14.webs.com/mikesdeepskyphotos.htm

Thanks for looking!

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