Tuesday, January 1, 2013

High Resolution Asteroids Ceres and Vesta

My collimation is quite out due to some slag in the optical train that I think I have since fixed.  I was hoping to replicate and beat the previous work I've done on Ceres (http://astromaphilli14.blogspot.com/2009/04/moon-m45-mercury-then-saturn-and-ceres.html)

Believe it or not, Ceres is not much smaller in angular size than the Jovian Moons and is shown in my recent 2012 feeble attempts to not have a stellar airy disk.  Vesta shows a bit more oblong / elongation and I'm not 100% convinced it is real as my collimation was out by too much for my taste.  I hope to try again in 2013 with better conditions!


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