Monday, August 29, 2011

Jupiter in avg seeing

I'm finally gaining some rhythm with the new scope and weather.  

I hope to be ready for lost sleep and some good seeing.  SOMEDAY!

Click for large view and rest of season:

1 comment:

  1. Shot at f/29, full gain (33db), R&G 60+ fps and 40ish fps for blue, all ch 60s

    Processed in ninox 2x, AstraImage, Iris and GIMP, then downscaled to 2x

    I keep the scope in the garage where it stays way too warm, despite window fans and keeping it open. I keep it in the garage as it's fully mounted on the wheely bars and easier to use. I cooled it for 1.25 hr from 82 down to ambient at 66 using one of the window fans and the cooling system. It's not the right thing to do and I'm searching for a better way, but I may just have to mount each time and keep the scope inside the house or outdoors?!

    In the mean time, i'm tooling up the collimation to near perfection with the catseye system!!



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