Friday, May 22, 2009

My best Galactic photo yet...

Since the major upgrade to the 6" f/5 Schmidt-Newt OTA on the Celeston CGE with the right LPS-P2-FF filter, I've had lots of variables to work with, including my post-processing routine.

Now I can drive up to and past 10min subs with guiding on the 4" piggybacked skywatcher.  It's pretty cool to work with, but the weather has kept me from practicing very often.

May 19th, I got a try at M101, the CN challenge of the month.

Mine is far from the best, but it's a personal best for me.

I followed my v1 routine which will end up as a blog here soon enough.




  1. It was very noisy at 10min in ~50-60* F temps and the transparency was fair. This was also my 1st time out with a 'real' LP filter and I've got some bad vignetting that I overcame with some hard work on white-balancing of flats! :) Again in my v1 processing routine!

  2. Michael
    Absolutely spectacular!!!

  3. wow this is spectacular, mom

  4. Thanks!
    Interesting note about the galaxy in the upper left corner...
    NGC 5474 is a peculiar dwarf galaxy in the constellation Ursa Major. It is one of several companion galaxies of the Pinwheel Galaxy (M101), a grand-design spiral galaxy[4][3]. Among the Pinwheel Galaxy's companions, this galaxy is the closest to the Pinwheel Galaxy itself[3]. The gravitational interaction between NGC 5474 and the Pinwheel Galaxy have strongly distorted the galaxy. As a result, the disk is offset relative to the nucleus.


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