Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Comet Garrardd (C/2009-P1) from back in March 2012

1st real light with this camera, my Canon 7D.  Soft focus and not many subs.  Better luck next time, but I think I'm hooked on using a DSLR with my 14" Akule!

Sunday, May 13, 2012

Akule's turn DSO

Guiding works well, 7D works well... Galaxy, M90 acquired!

Monday, May 7, 2012

Venus' clouds!

Venus taken on February 26 from 2311 to 2347 UTC in UV.

I wouldn't have ever thought to look but Emil Kraaikamp had found rotations in the clouds of Venus in a short 30-60 min of time. I had some captures laying around from Feb 26 and may have found moment in the following animation of 3 frames: 2309, 2340, and 2346 UT. Look in the lower left hand portion near the 'pole' for a high contrast area that shows the progression of what I think to be a cloud. Venus has been a tough target this year due to weather, work and family but I'm excited for the upcoming transit of Venus over the Sun!

This is an Ir / sG / UV - false color composite:

Here's is the 3 frame animation:



One of my Best Saturn photos

Only my second of the season if you can believe.  I am still waiting on good or even above average seeing.  It was extra special to share this view in color on our Virtual Star Party seen here via Universe Today:

Click image for full resolution:

